Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Luck of the....uh....German? (What?! I'm not Irish!)

I am not a very lucky person, and I can't remember having ever won a contest. For anything! That's no lie. But today, I found out that I won a great prize from a contest being hosted over at Classic Bride. The winnings? An 18x24 gallery-wrapped canvas print from Online Poster Printing. I am stoked! I'm planning to use this picture and have it hung above my desk in my office alcove.

Classic Bride is an amazing wedding resource. I've been checking in on a daily basis for over a year now, and I found that Sarah's great ideas and direction were instrumental in planning my wedding. Now that I'm a newlywed and interested in the graphic design element of weddings, I'm still a regular visitor, as I like to see what the current trends are. For any brides-to-be, or ladies who just love weddings, I highly recommend checking out Classic Bride. You won't be disappointed!!

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