Saturday, April 25, 2009

A Sad Couple of Weeks

If you’re a reader who stops by every once in awhile, I’m sure you’ve noticed that it’s been pretty quiet around here lately. Well, I just have to say, the world lost a pretty great man a few weeks ago, and once he became sick and then left us, I just didn’t have it in me to blog.

My dad passed away on April 6th after suffering a brief bout with cancer. I had been home for a visit in mid-march, just after he was diagnosed (surprisingly, the visit was planned well in advance of us knowing he was even sick), but with encouragement from the doctors and Dad, Travis and I flew home to Idaho on the last day of March, with plans to return to Indiana within a few weeks. We just didn’t make it back soon enough. I lost my quiet hero that day, and now there’s a hole in my heart.

Thanks for checking back in after my absence. I hope to be back at it soon.

All the best.

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